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Dear Friends, Thank you for the BEST eight years of sending happy. It has been such an honor to help you celebrate your people. Wishing you all the best. Feel free to reach out to us via email with any questions.

With Love, Leitia / Founder


Making Birthdays Happier

When we say EVERYONE DESERVES A PARTY, we mean it! We have partnered with The Confetti Foundation and Box of Balloons to spread party joy. 10% all profit from The Confetti Post is directly donated to The Confetti Foundation and Box of Balloons to help ensure every child's birthday is celebrated!

The Confetti Foundation

The Confetti Foundation sends parties in a box to children celebrating birthdays while hospitalized. They serve children in 37 States.

The Confetti FoundationConfetti Foundation Party in a Box

After supporting a friend whose child was hospitalized, Founder Stephanie Frazier Grimm started wondering what happened when children are in the hospital on their birthdays. Do they have a party? She discovered the answer was almost always “no.” Parents with sick children are only thinking about their children getting healthy, not leaving their sides to gather supplies and put together a birthday party. Typically, birthday celebrations take place when a child comes home.

Stephanie also remembered having to spend her own 13th birthday in the hospital and wanted to make a change.

In January 2014, The Confetti Foundation started supplying birthday party kits to children who spend their birthdays in the hospital. Through the party kits, children of all ages are celebrated and honored on their special day.

The foundation was started with the hope that families will be able to shift their focus from their child’s sickness for just 30 minutes and celebrate. Although the party is not a cure, it will be a welcome distraction and good reminder that every child deserves to be celebrated.

Box of Balloons

Box of Balloons is on a mission to make each birthday happy and every child celebrated. They deliver complete parties in boxes to the parents and caregivers of families so they can throw a customized party for their child.  


Box of Balloons is a non-profit organization on a mission to make each birthday happy and every child celebrated. Every child deserves to feel special, be celebrated and have a memorable party. Unfortunately, that is not possible or many families.  

Of course, it is important that basic survival needs be met first for children in low income families or emergency situations. Box of Balloons believes that a birthday celebration can give families the hope they may be missing.  

Their focus is to ensure each child feels special and celebrated on their birthday.  A child's birthday should be happy despite a family's current situation, living conditions, or financial status. Their fundamental goal is to provide joy, hope and celebration for the child and their family. 

The children who are given birthday boxes are identified through social workers, community leaders, and organizers as deserving and in need of a little happiness in their lives.  

Each box that is delivered is made up of seven items donated by volunteers to cover a party for at least six people: tableware, decorations, DIY decorations, a party game or activity, a party favor, cupcakes and a gift. 

The complete themed party kits are pieced together by volunteers and delivered to community leaders, who then give the kits to the parents to make their child's birthday happy and memorable.