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The Confetti Post is no longer accepting online orders

Dear Friends, Thank you for the BEST eight years of sending happy. It has been such an honor to help you celebrate your people. Wishing you all the best. Feel free to reach out to us via email with any questions.

With Love, Leitia / Founder


So far in just two months

Here it is, a long, sappy letter to my most favorite party people in the whole world.  I started this adventure almost exactly one year ago.  Just a fun idea in my head that I could not stop thinking about day in and day out.  I spent so much time dreaming and researching, taking my time to give people the most fun parties to celebrate others, especially when we live so far away from each other.

Then I launched, not even two months ago.  Really?  It feels like it has been so long, but not even two months in yet.  Typing that makes everything else I am about to type seem surreal.  I digress.  I launched this thing terrified that no one would buy anything.  Well, not no one.  I knew my family would buy stuff---which totally counts in a big way.  What if all this time, energy, dreaming, money was for nothing? Seriously, have you ever done something big, but terrified no one would like it?  Luckily, I was blown away.  So blown away.  That first stranger order came in on my second day of business, and I was floored. 

The feedback I have received from you all is unbelievable!  I added a reviews section so you could read what people are saying too.  Hearing how you all brighten the days of others literally makes me smile, every single day.  And motivates me to work harder to give you more ways to party!

Here are just a few things The Confetti Post has accomplished in only about six weeks of business:

1.    Sent party packages to 29 states (27 in the first 27 days!).

2.    Featured on a national Podcast with hundreds of thousands of listeners.

3.    SOLD OUT of ice cream scoops and the Happy Happy Birthday package.  Very close to selling out Teeny Happy Birthday and Hello Sunshine boxes. 

4.    Started work on first custom order. 

5.    Hit 500 followers on Instagram.  I had a year end goal of 1,000.  So yea, pretty sure we are gonna blow that goal out of the water.  

I cannot even believe it.  But here is the thing, I did not anticipate to sell this much so fast, and I am still learning how to run my little business.  I was hoping to have the Happy Happy Birthday party box back in stock next week, but it is just not going to happen.  I am working hard to revamp The Confetti Post’s base product line of parties in a box for a June release.  At that time, I was also going to change up the Birthday Box just a little bit.  But I decided, I love you guys, and I am just going to do it right now, not make you wait.  That means though, you have to wait a few weeks before it comes back in stock though.  Sorry, but I promise, the wait is worth it!  Meanwhile, we have plenty of other ways for you to wish a happy birthday!

In related news, I made an office move.  I started out in our dark and cold (but nice and finished) basement.  I knew I needed a way more functional space though.  So we kicked our daughter out of her light filled room, and put her in with her brother.  (They totally love this arrangement by the way.)  I took over her room, and couldn’t be happier.  Light and functionality and space are now my friends.  It may be very pink, but it is filled with yellow Confetti Post sunshine!

Now, I am ready to really get to work on the next batch of parties.  We will be saying “buh-bye” to some of the current parties to make room for more.  I promise more occasions, even better contents, and more customization that you have been pleading for.  I just need your patience, BIG CHANGES are coming, but that may mean some things temporarily going out of stock in the in-between.  So keep your eyes glued to your emails.  I will be clearing out some current stock to make way for the new, AND as always, my email subscribers get the first peek of all things new. 

Truly, truly my goal is to create the BEST ways for you to send care packages and happy mail to your favorite people.  You all are the best.  I am thankful for you, and so happy I get to help you spread happiness.  

<3 Leitia

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1 comment

  • Congratulations on your success!!! Keep it up!!!


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