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The Confetti Post is no longer accepting online orders

Dear Friends, Thank you for the BEST eight years of sending happy. It has been such an honor to help you celebrate your people. Wishing you all the best. Feel free to reach out to us via email with any questions.

With Love, Leitia / Founder


Getting to Know Team Confetti Post: Meet Betsy

Greetings from The Confetti Post! I’m Betsy and proudly serve here as Fulfillment Coordinator, or as I like to think of it, FUN-fillment coordinator. It’s truly an honor to serve you – our awesome customers – and play a small part in sending happiness to your loved ones. We put great care into every party that goes out in our cheery, yellow boxes.

I’m no stranger to sending mail and have loved sending hugs across the miles through cards stuffed with confetti, spritzed with perfume, covered with stickers or sealed with wax. Especially as a kid, it brought me such joy to add personal touches to mail knowing it would make someone smile at its destination.

I’m a proud Midwest gal with a strong case of wanderlust. Our family’s 100 year-old lake cottage is my happy place so I love escaping there to do all of the lake things as often as I can. I love music, the arts, nature and can often be found savoring a chai latte (pure comfort in a cup). I’m married to a great guy and old friend, Jack. Ages ago, we were named “Mister and Misses Jazz Band” at our middle school graduation. Together we have three wild and wonderful children who always keep us on our toes. The kids love what we do here at The Confetti Post and have been known to make some of their own confetti too.

As an Enneagram type seven – the enthusiast – my personality is well suited to work at a place whose mission it is to help people celebrate. I’m also a hugger so you’ve been warned. 😉 Our customers’ thoughtfulness is so inspiring and serves a daily reminder of all the good in the world. I’m grateful to assist you in sending happiness to celebrate your loved ones, lift them up when they’re feeling blue or simply rejoice in the everyday moments and remind them that they’re loved.

That’s a quick snapshot of me, one of the party hounds working behind the scenes helping make the magic happen for you. Thank you for trusting us to help celebrate the important people in your life. In the meantime, I’ll be jammin’ to show tunes in the mini van that I was never going to drive. Pop that confetti and have a happy day!



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