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Dear Friends, Thank you for the BEST eight years of sending happy. It has been such an honor to help you celebrate your people. Wishing you all the best. Feel free to reach out to us via email with any questions.

With Love, Leitia / Founder


Featured Partner | Box of Balloons

Here at The Confetti Post, giving a portion of our profits is nonnegotiable in our hearts.  We believe businesses should be a powerful force for good in the world---and giving is a big part of that equation.  We have chosen to partner with two organizations whose missions line up with our own of spreading happiness and celebrating life.  10% of all profit is donated to nonprofit organizations whose missions are to ensure every child's birthday is celebrated.  I want to take a moment on this Giving Tuesday to highlight one of our partners, Box of Balloons

Box of Balloons is on a mission to make each birthday happy and every child celebrated.  They deliver complete parties in boxes to the parents and caregivers of families so they can throw a customized party for their child.  Every child deserves to feel special, be celebrated and have a memorable party. Unfortunately, that is not possible or many families.  

Box of Balloons Party in a Box  Girl with birthday party in a box

Of course, it is important that basic survival needs be met first for children in low income families or emergency situations. However,  Box of Balloons believes that a birthday celebration can give families the hope they may be missing.  

Their focus is to ensure each child feels special and celebrated on their birthday.  A child's birthday should be happy despite a family's current situation, living conditions, or financial status.  Their fundamental goal is to provide joy, hope and celebration for the child and their family. 

Hello Kitty Party Kit    Superhero Party in a Box

The children who are given birthday boxes are identified through social workers, community leaders, and organizers as deserving and in need of a little happiness in their lives.  

Each box that is delivered is made up of seven items donated by volunteers to cover a party for at least six people: tableware, decorations, DIY decorations, a party game or activity, a party favor, cupcakes and a gift. 

The complete themed party kits are pieced together by volunteers and delivered to community leaders, who then give the kits to the parents to make their child's birthday happy and memorable.

Nicole Moll and BOB Team

I reached out to the inspiring founder, Nicole Moll, for a little Q&A to dig in a little more about Box of Balloons:  (She's the sweetie in the middle above.)

Why did you start Box of Balloons?

Growing up, I spent countless hours dreaming about my next birthday celebration, the theme, colors and games. My parents looked forward to giving me a celebration I would remember. Now that I am a mom to three kiddos I want nothing more than my children to feel loved and celebrated on their birthdays. To see their face light up with a smile as they laugh with friends, blow out candles and enjoy cupcakes makes my heart happy. The memories from their celebrations are etched in my mind and hope for the year ahead pours in. This is exactly why I started Box of Balloons. Every single child should feel loved and celebrated on their special day and each birthday should be happy. One thing we all have in common...a birth day. It shouldn’t matter if life is going as planned or has hit bumps in the road, every child in this world deserves a happy birthday knowing they are loved and special.

Share one "story" that has really impacted you in your time leading Box of Balloons.

 Not long after we started, we received this feedback and immediately tears were streaming down my face. I will never forget this story and it is stories like this that keep me going.

 “God bless, I [am writing] to you [regarding] the child’s family celebrated this past Saturday. His mom is a friend of mine who is 34 and has a rare form of lung cancer. She was admitted to the ICU and is no longer breathing on her own. Machines will be removed today. I can’t tell you how much that birthday box meant to her and her family. They told me last night she was so excited and happy when they opened it and played for a long time. It was a comfort to them to have that memory. Thank you. “

 What has been your biggest challenge in running Box of Balloons?

There have been many challenges since starting Box of Balloons, but one of the biggest has been starting from scratch. We started this organization all as volunteers unsure of how to run a non-profit, but on a mission to make birthdays happy. We have had to learn every step of the way, find connections and knowledge from others and pave our own path as we do not fit into the traditional non-profit categories.

What is your vision for Box of Balloons as it grows?  Where do you see it in 10 years?

Our vision and hope for Box of Balloons is to have a chapter in all 50 states, we want to help make sure every child in celebrated in every state of America. We currently are in 8 different states, but have high hopes of growing and expanding to even more. We need more passionate leaders who want to bring happy birthdays to their state. Once we have accomplished that goal we hope to eventually move worldwide and bring happy birthdays to children all across the globe. We just had our own third birthday and have given over 625 birthday boxes to children in need, so in 10 years we hope to be well over the 3,000 mark meaning over 3,000 children in need have been celebrated!

What is the best way for people to get involved with your mission?

We have lots of different ways for people to get involved with our mission. You can join a local volunteer team. These teams are the ones donating party supplies and delivering filled birthday boxes to children in need. We currently have 14 different chapters in 8 states. If there isn’t a chapter near you, we would love for you to start a chapter and bring happy birthdays to children in your community! People can also sponsor an entire birthday box by donating $100.  We then will take the donation and fill a box for a child in need. Our Pledge Your Birthday project is another great way for anyone and everyone involved! By pledging your birthday and raising funds for Box of Balloons in your honor, more children can be celebrated.

BOB Shop Birthday Cards

One other fun way to get involved, is to shop some of the cute goodies they have on their online shop.  You can snag an adorable "Throw Kindness Like Confetti" shirt, set of cute birthday cards to send, among many other fun items to support Box of Balloons.  

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